Monday, January 11, 2010

Working with What I've Got

I went to Old Navy's "60% off" sale the other day and was loading up my cart pretty good.  I went to check out and as the lady scanned my items they rang up at full price.  I said "um aren't these on sale" and she said "I guess not".  I just happened to grab everything right next to the signs that said "60% off".  So I had so tell her thanks but no thanks.  The number of items I bought dwindled to two and I bought my girl some pants and no long had the matching shirt.  Shoot...I guess I might have to make one.

I came up with this.  And it looks really cute with her navy poka-dot leggings.

The knit was really hard to work with but once it is on the imperfections kind of disappear.

Here is the shirt that was supposed to go with the leggings.  Even though it is really cute I like my homemade goodness better than the alternative.  It feels a lot better spending $3.00 on fabric versus $12.50 on one shirt!

Ms This

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